Monthly Archives: March 2014

+24 - 0  by

The portrait of Rob Ford - you can’t stop loving that guy

Nunc facilisis consequat lacus, eu hendrerit erat iaculis in. Cras nunc lectus, sodales id odio tincidunt, feugiat feugiat eros. Mauris pharetra elit vel risus cursus tincidunt vitae non velit.

+5 - 4  by

Incredible life cycle of a Texas wild wasp

Donec fringilla, magna sed tincidunt volutpat, erat ante elementum dolor, nec interdum urna quam eu felis. Morbi auctor mattis nulla, pretium tristique est tincidunt sit amet. Ut aliquam pharetra imperdiet.

+12 - 9  by

Are we ready for another cold war against terror?

Nullam in nisi non mauris tempus pharetra id dignissim turpis. Donec semper et nunc nec pharetra. Quisque pretium fermentum ligula, vitae feugiat lorem pharetra at.

+10 - 6  by

Working out: wanna have a better butt?

By holding a light weight behind your knee, you’ll get maximum impact in a short amount of time. Learn the exercise in this video!

+25 - 2  by

Akshin Alizadeh - Street Bangerz vol. 8

Taking his cue from his native country, this album sits at a crossroad between East and West incorporating the producer’s strong funk and nu jazz.

+22 - 7  by

12th UN Congress on crime prevention and criminal justice

TweetPraesent nibh purus, fringilla at felis non, luctus consectetur dolor. Nunc sit amet nibh quis sem faucibus bibendum. Quisque eu eros et sapien ornare...   Read More

+3 - 4  by

Richard H. Ledgett Jr. became NSA’s New Deputy Director

Richard Ledgett is now the 15th Deputy Director of the NSA. In his new role Ledgett acts as the agency’s chief operating officer - guiding strategies serving as the principal adviser.

+4 - 0  by

Health Canada: destroy pot or face police

Maecenas rhoncus commodo semper. Vivamus pellentesque mi ac lorem commodo, ac hendrerit nunc suscipit. Integer vitae diam eros. Nam vitae dolor viverra nisi lacinia condimentum eget vel tortor.

+7 - 1  by

IMDb : Crime Scene scores 7.9 for the 14 years of broadcasting

This show follows the nights of the detectives working at the Las Vegas Police Department Crime Scene Investigations bureau. Being the second busiest crime lab in America, CSI officers use the best scientific and technical methods to solve puzzles and catch criminals.

+10 - 2  by

Cooler it can’t be: Foo Fighters on Deadmau5

Pellentesque non tincidunt mauris, sed bibendum neque. Maecenas eget magna porttitor, porttitor dolor sit amet, bibendum metus. Praesent euismod ornare nisl, vel blandit neque viverra non. Donec volutpat tincidunt neque, id fringilla erat.